Monday, December 31, 2012


Its 8:30 in the morning here on Prince Edward Island. We've had a dump of snow over the weekend and have a few feet now. The island is under a wind warning with winds coming from the west at 21 mph; a change from 7 am this morning from, northwest 19 mph. To step outside is to get blown off your feet by a cold, snowy blast!
Yard in snow
My lonely little mailbox is out there ~ somewhere ~ in that vast expanse of newly dumped snow
In less than 24 hours, this day and the year of 2012, will become extinct! You will retire to bed in one year and wake in the next. What will you remember about this passing year? I have kept personal diaries for years and its fascinating to look back, years ago, on what was happening in my life on this date. 

What earth-shattering, life changing events will you perform on this last day of 2012...

Mine are humble and in preparation for 2013. Inventory all groceries in the house and rearrange my cupboards to make them more 'user-friendly', order a tank of oil and clean the house; after that its cleaning out the fridge and putting the washing away. Course the biggest thing will be taking down the tree and storing all that stuff for the end of the new year, in about 365 days. 

Putting things in order and planning for January; working on my budget... seems like a sensible way to spend the last day of this year.



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